A HUT is a Home Use Test (sometimes called an iHUT, or in-Home Use Test) in which consumers complete study activities at home. These activities may include tasting, smelling, or using products, taking and uploading photos or videos, going shopping, and/or completing online surveys. A HUT may take place over the course of a few days or up to a few months.
If the HUT includes product evaluation(s), you may be asked to come in to one of our facilities to pick up product(s). Please note that per Curion Policy, only the individual scheduled for the study may pick up the product. Product pick-ups are not permitted for other individuals, including friends or fellow panelists.
In other HUTs, the product will be mailed to your home before the study start date. Please check your email for tracking information, as well as the date in which you should receive the product by.
The requirement of HUTs vary, so if you are invited to participate in a HUT, please refer to your specific study invitation for all pertinent information. You may also receive a packing slip/instruction sheet when you pick up the product. Keep this sheet handy, as it may contain important dates and details needed to complete the study!
Partial payments are not issued for partially completed HUT studies.