I received an email invitation about an available study but cannot find it in my portal.

You might get an invitation to a study but not see it in your portal when you sign in. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as:

- The study is closed. For each study there is a specific amount of respondents required targeting different genders, ages, ethnicities etc. Once the study has filled, the study will be closed. Once a study is closed, you will no longer be able to access or view the study.

- The study conflicts with another for which you are already scheduled. Certain studies have restrictions regarding how recently you can participate in another market research study. We also run several different studies each day, and sessions times may conflict.

-The study was cancelled, postponed, or rescheduled. Sometimes there are issues procuring product, scheduling, or our clients make change requests. We do our best to get ahead of these and stick to schedule, but sometimes that's not possible. 

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