Participating in Studies
Why don't I qualify for a study?
There are many reasons why you might not have qualified for an upcoming study: Although we try hard to match you with study opportunities that you are most likely to qualify for, sometimes we miss the mark! Sometimes, we reach the number of participants...
No available session times - What does this mean?
If you got this message and are unsure what it means, it is helpful to understand how our participant selection process works and what happens if you qualify for a study but there are no available session times for you based on your answers. Why Waitlis...
I Completed My Study – Now What?
Knowing when your Curion study is officially done is important for receiving payment and understanding any further requirements. This guide explains exactly how to determine when your participation is finished, whether you've completed an in-facility te...
I received an email invitation about an available study but cannot find it in my portal.
You might get an invitation to a study but not see it in your portal when you sign in. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as: - The study is closed. For each study there is a specific amount of respondents required targeting different genders,...
Why don't I see any available studies?
For each study there is a specific amount of respondents required targeting different genders, ages, ethnicities etc. Once the study has filled, the study will be closed. Once a study is closed, you will no longer be able to access or view the study. Th...
Error: You may be already logged in in a different tab
"The survey you are trying to use cannot be displayed. You may be already logged in in a different tab." This error can be due to accidentally double clicking on a screening survey. If you get the error above, there are a few options you can try to ...
How can I access a study to see if I qualify and schedule myself?
Click on the link in the email invite to go to the Portal. Make sure you have your username (typically your email) & password. Studies that are available will be listed under “Available Studies”. Click on the available studies and answer the screening q...
How often will I receive study invitations?
It varies and is dependent on the needs of our clients.
How will I find out about studies?
Once you have joined and have your Panelist ID and PIN, we will contact you (usually by email) to see if you qualify for a study. If you qualify, you will be notified of the location, date, time, duration, and compensation for the study. You then decide...