Adding a Child to Your Curion Profile

One Profile per Person:

Just like you can only have one Curion profile, your child can also only have one profile linked to yours. This allows them to participate in studies that involve children, alongside you or independently.

Under 18? Matching Emails Please:

If your child is under 18, their email address on their Curion profile needs to match yours. This ensures all communication regarding studies goes directly to your inbox.

Keeping Information Organized:

For a smooth experience, please keep your child's contact information (phone number and address) synced with yours within your Curion profile.

Study Variety:

Curion offers studies designed for parents and children together, specifically for children, or just for adults. Be sure to review the study details carefully before enrolling your child.

What Your Child Can Expect:

  • Birthday Points: Yay! Your child will earn points for their birthday.
  • No Raffles (Yet): Currently, children cannot participate in raffles on Curion.
  • Communication Through You: All study information and updates will be sent to your email. Your child won't receive direct communication.
  • Payments Go to You: Any rewards earned from study participation will be sent to you.

Finding Your Child's PID:

Their unique Panelist ID (PID) will be included in a welcome email sent after creating their profile.

No Separate Password:

There are no separate passwords for child profiles. You, as the parent/guardian, manage access through your login credentials.

COMING SOON! Viewing Upcoming Studies for Your Child:

You can view upcoming studies suitable for your child by logging in to your Curion account and navigating to the top right corner where your name is, and clicking "Switch Profile". Then click on the child's profile icon. 

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