My Account

  • How to sign in

    Navigate to the Consumer Portal Depending on when you registered with Curion, your username to sign in will either be your email or your PID. If you have any questions about how to log in to your account, please contact us.

  • How can I unsubscribe?

    We love talking to you but we understand things happen. There are a few different scenarios to consider...   "I no longer want to participate in paid Curion studies" Although we will be sad to see you go, you may unsubscribe from Curion's panel at any t...

  • How can I update the personal information in my account?

    To update personal information including address or phone number, sign in to your portal and scroll to "My Stuff" and click "Update Your Profile" to update your information.      Note that some information cannot be changed or updated or modified after...

  • I forgot my PID or Password. What do I do?

    To retrieve your Panelist ID, you can refer to the email you received when you first registered, or an email reminder for a study for which you are scheduled.   To reset your Password, go to the Consumer Portal and click on the link that says “Forgot PI...